July 31, 2004

The Canadian Saga

Well, here we go! The story of how it all began, ensued, and ended up in current day. This is a continuation of what was mentioned briefly in a previous blog regarding my Canadian girlfriend, Meags. I am going to break it up into parts, posting them over the course of a few days as they get written.

That's right, I am actually going to be doing several updates in a short time span. Amazing. Hopefully you enjoy the tale, if not then should pretend you are enjoying it, my fragile ego could break with the slightest recognition of apathy! Ok, fine, criticize all you want

I'll upload the first portion(s) tomorrow!

Posted by Michael at 09:25 PM | Comments (12)

Updates Soon

Ok, so I claimed there would be updates on our trip perhaps as early as Wednesday - I was wrong. I am following up with a claim that there would be updates of that sort today, and this time I may or may not be lying!

I have actually done a bit of work on an update with actual content, but I decided that I don't want to simply write up what we did on the trip. I am going to start it from the beginning. Thats right, the beginning. It will be an entire synopsis of how we met, the events leading up to our trip, the cruise itself, and some of the post-cruise fallout events. Quite exciting yes? Ok, perhaps not, but nobody is forcing you to read it if you don't want to... though I would if I could!

Posted by Michael at 09:02 PM | Comments (0)

July 26, 2004

Yay Blacklisting!

Just home for a tiny bit, but I would like to say this: That Blacklist I installed is working quite nicely! I've only had a few instances of spam that have hit me recently, so it may very well be working against the bots... But I don't really have a log to tell me if any have been blocked, I just have to assume. There is one thing I do know for sure though! Bad spam attacks are much easier to clean up now! One spambot left 36 different comments yesterday for the same website, I just added that website to my blacklist and told it to search for comments that fit - voila! All 36 gone in no time!

Oh how joyous automation can be.

Posted by Michael at 10:59 AM | Comments (0)

It has Been A While

Been a while since I have made an update here, been a crazy few weeks that have kept me busy in "real life" and thus neglecting the blog! Fear not though, I have plans of making updates inclusive of the craziness which kept me away from here. I'll probably break it up into 4 or 5 different entries, the first one will probably pop up on the radar around Wednesday - if not earlier. Thats it for now, I've got some work to do!

Posted by Michael at 09:09 AM | Comments (0)