July 31, 2004

Updates Soon

Ok, so I claimed there would be updates on our trip perhaps as early as Wednesday - I was wrong. I am following up with a claim that there would be updates of that sort today, and this time I may or may not be lying!

I have actually done a bit of work on an update with actual content, but I decided that I don't want to simply write up what we did on the trip. I am going to start it from the beginning. Thats right, the beginning. It will be an entire synopsis of how we met, the events leading up to our trip, the cruise itself, and some of the post-cruise fallout events. Quite exciting yes? Ok, perhaps not, but nobody is forcing you to read it if you don't want to... though I would if I could!

Posted by Michael at July 31, 2004 09:02 PM
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