April 24, 2004

Where Does All The Time Go?

Time has always been an interesting concept to me, each interval has a defined duration - an hour is 60 minutes, each minute is subdivided into 60 seconds, each second can be even further subdivided. I know how long these things last, just as I know how far each mark on a ruler signifies, and yet its much easier to estimate distance than it is to estimate time.

When things are slow and boring, time drags, a second lasts a minute and that minute lasts an hour. I stare at the clock trying to telepathically coax it into moving faster and it smiles wide as it ticks slower. But when I'm in an engaging conversation, playing a game, or anything else which could be enjoyable or fun, time jumps in leaps and bounds - an hour has become a minute and each minute lasts merely a second. This is why I never try to estimate time, I have no concept of how long I have been doing things. If you ask how long since I started doing something, I may guess 5 minutes and its been 15 or I may guess an hour when its only been half that. But no matter what I am almost certain to be way off. Thank goodness for watches - I'm lost without 'em.

Today has been one of those quick days, I caught up on my sleep lost during the week by sleeping in till 11:30 and already it is past 5:00 when I was thinking it would be around 2:00! I don't know how, but time escaped from the iron walls I tried to cage it in. I wanted to get more done today, but alas I have not - time has mocked me once more. Ah well, there is still time left in the day, so what am I doing wasting it here? Talk to you later, I've got work to do!

Posted by Michael at April 24, 2004 05:06 PM
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