April 21, 2004

Election Time!

I meant to make this update yesterday, but then I forgot about posting it - sorry to disappoint.

Anyhow, it is student government election time around here! I unfortunately discovered this while walking past the library. I hadn't eaten breakfast and was a bit on the hungry side, so between classes I ran to the vending machines to hold me over till a more satisfying meal could be purchased or cooked. Upon reaching the library I was accosted by some guy dressed in khaki pants and a dark blue blazer, handing out lime green fliers to me and the surrounding fodder of potential voters.

I took his ugly lime green flyer and moved on my way, I'm not one to refuse this sort of thing. However, I am also not one to appreciate being accosted at a bottleneck by random people, telling me to vote for some guy I've never heard of, while I am on a quest to seek nourishment for my hungry body. I dislike this sort of interaction in the first place, the interruption of my quest just made it a bit more bitter. If they want to hang fliers up, that’s cool. If they want a rally, that’s cool. Just don't bother me directly, especially when I'm not making any effort to approach you or your luminescent fliers - if somebody is avoiding your approach, take the hint.

I probably sound more miffed than I really was, but its just one of those pet peeves that I don't appreciate. Anyhow, after my class I discovered the flier still in my pocket and was curious which names I should make a point of not voting for... Get this: His name is Wild Wolf. I thought maybe this was some sort of ploy to corral the hip, young constituency to his side of the ranch, but that is how his name is listed on the online ballet believe it or not.

I, however, was determined not to vote for Mr Wolf, no matter how intriguing a name he might have. Not only had he given me a bit of distaste earlier that day, but he gave me no reason to vote for him. The flyer just says to vote for him, but not why - I may be apathetic but I'm also not one to blindly follow strangers.

Perusing the list for opponents whom I felt would do a better job than Mr Wolf, I found that I didn't know any of them and didn't care for the lack of information on their platforms. A brilliant idea struck me! A write-in candidate! I knew just the person, these guys are all strangers but I've known the candidate I had in mind for 22 years! Great guy, shares a remarkable number of beliefs with me and I even agree with most of his proposed policies! To my chagrin, there was no option to write in your own candidate - I'm sure myself will be disappointed that I wasn't able to vote for me.

Maybe next year.

Posted by Michael at April 21, 2004 05:35 PM
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